PMA (Private Members Association)

A PMA generally falls outside the jurisdiction of Public Law and Regulations. With the purchase of product from our site you agree to become a member of the PMA. There are no other requirements or obligations.

“PMA members are free to exchange any services or information whatsoever on any topic they choose and can speak or write about, listen to, or read any information, use or obtain any information, product, or service on any terms agreeable to any member who chooses to provide that information, product, or service within the private membership association.
PMAs are under no general lawful/legal obligation to recognize any statutory title of public competency, education or training (licensed persons/experts).
Public Law, Regulations and internal Rules of administrative agencies that regulate the public do not generally reach a PMA because they would impair, impede, obstruct or defeat the PMA members’ ability to discuss, hear, read or speak about, print, obtain and use things which may be prohibited to be disclosed to or used by the public, unless the private membership association commits a nefarious act, which means some form of human rights violation or evil act against another human or in the wording of the courts “creates a clear and present danger of a substantial evil”. Anything less is protected and stays within the private domain.”